Directories and paths

Mango uses these directories:

Configuration directory

This directory contains Mango configuration files.

The default locations are:

  • Linux: $HOME/.config/mango (actually $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mango), falling back to $HOME/.mango/config.

  • Windows: mango inside FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, falling back to .mango/cache inside FOLDERID_Profile.

  • MacOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/mango, falling back to $HOME/.mango/cache.

The default location can be overwritten by setting MANGO_USER_CONFIG_PATH.

This directory should not take up much space. You should not delete it directory unless you want to reset Mango (or have uninstall it).

User cache directory

A cache directory for cache shared between all projects a user has.

This contains things like:

  • Artifacts from external dependencies (but not for project code).

  • Mango compiler and daemon state.

  • Lock files.

The default locations are:

  • Linux: $HOME/.cache/mango (actually $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mango), falling back to $HOME/.mango/cache, or a temporary directory.

  • Windows: mango inside FOLDERID_LocalAppData, falling back to .mango/cache inside FOLDERID_Profile, or a temporary directory.

  • MacOS: $HOME/Library/Caches/mango, falling back to $HOME/.mango/cache, or a temporary directory.

The default location can be overwritten by setting MANGO_USER_CACHE_PATH.

It should be safe to delete this directory, but only if mango is not running. Doing so will make the next build(s) slower.

Project target directory

This contains:

  • Compiled binaries and libraries.

  • Intermediary build output for project code (but perhaps not for external dependencies).

  • Other build artifacts, like static resources.

  • Compiler state information.

The default location is a directory target at the root of your project.

This default location can be overwritten by setting MANGO_TARGET_DIR. It should not be shared with other projects.

It should be safe to delete this directory, but only if mango is not running. Doing so will make the next build(s) slower.